Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bye-bye rodents!

I'm glad to report that my bait stations have worked to perfection- for a week or so, I had to replace the baits every day. Soon I started finding bright green rat and mouse droppings, so they were definitely getting a good dose.

I've only found two mouse corpses so far, but I know that the rats are being knocked out as well, as I have stopped seeing their tracks in the soft sand near the stations (I smooth it out after every refill).

I prefer spring traps for getting rid of mice and rats, as they are quick and humane, but they are not always practical, as in this case. This method seems to have worked well, and I can recomend it. It was also a good way to use some old material, keep my dogs safe, and clean out an infestation, all at the same time.

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