Sunday, November 18, 2007

Here's a completed Pine Post Office Box Bank

And here we have a finished bank made from the old growth pine. I used a shellac wash coat before staining, to seal in any problems in the wood from the old paint, or simply from the pitch in the wood, so it didn't get as dark as I wanted. Which is okay, really, as I like the way the grain shows off through the finish.

I don't usually, but I used a high gloss finish on these, so it made getting a good pic a little harder than usual- lots of glare.

Here's a look at the back- note that the back is stapled, bradded and glued to the body, and the bottom of the back extends into the base. Quick to assemble (the brads and staples speed things up because I don't have to use clamps), and quite strong- I can't bend the 1/4" ply back on one of these when it is fully assembled.

This was a great use for this fine old wood, and I'm glad to be the one to have salvaged it!

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