Saturday, September 5, 2009

Patience is a big part of saving money!

My wife is attending college online, and has been expressing a desire for a better chair. Since she's spending even more time at a computer than I am, I couldn't blame her for her desire! I saw some nice office chairs at a garage sale for ten bucks each, but had no way to transport them... later I checked at a used office furniture store- and they wanted FIFTY BUCKS for a junky old used chair! Ye Gods! I don't have to tell you that I left that place in a hurry!

So, a week or so ago, I was driving home from work, when, all of a sudden, something caught my eye- lo and behold, it was a nice old office chair! I pulled over to check it out- it was in great shape, and obviously a very well made chair- must have cost a fortune new! The support for the back is a massive aluminum casting- nothing at all like the stamped sheet metal they use now. The base is also a massive one-piece aluminum casting, and everything else about it is sturdy and well made. It shows very little wear- in fact, it only appears to be a few years old, but it's obviously an older style.

I brought it home and put it in her spot- she was terribly excited when she got home and discovered it- and now the wife can do her homework in comfort, and it didn't cost me a penny! So, thus, keeping the wife happy, and saving money are both served by a bit of patience!

1 comment:

jade said...

Yes as his wife I can say that I do indeed like the new free office chair. It reminds me of my mothers office chair back in the early 8O's. How ever the chair was, at the very least, 10 years old if not 20. He jokingly said that he had plans for parts of the chair if I didn't like it.